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GATHER: Start by reaching out to fun, enthusiastic women! You don't want to be constantly cajoling anyone to participate. If they don't seem to "get it" or come up with lots of reasons why it's not for them...believe them! This idea is not for everyone. Your group will be lots more fun if everyone is on the same page.
INTRO: If you haven't received your book ahead of time, at your first get-together, have everyone pour themselves a beverage and then read the "how to" chapters. This will only take about 15 minutes.
SCORE: Now it's time to start with the lists! You'll start with the first list on page 27.
Go through the list individually and score each idea with a 0, 1, 2 or 3 in the buckets.
0 being never in your life, and 3 being an absolute yes, this is definitely going on my list!
SHARE: Once everyone has written a number in each bucket, then go through the list as a group. Have you already been a contestant on a game show???? Cool! Tell us all about it! Or, who wants to fly out to LA and try to get on "Let's Make a Deal" with me? It might not be something on your list, but be sure to listen to who is very excited about it and jot that info in your book. Help them follow up and follow through! You'll enjoy watching your friends do exciting things, whether or not they're things you want to do also.
DO: Now it's time to start doing the items on your list! You definitely don't need to follow the lists in the book exactly. Getting off track is half the fun! If someone mentions the Oscars coming up and you go off on this tangent - fantastic! Do lots of you want to see all the Best Picture nominees before the Oscars? Try to come up with a plan. Maybe someone who has a 60-inch TV can host some viewing parties.
CHECK: Included with your books are colorful check marks. Remember the Flat Stanley project in school? Well this is our version! Make sure to take your check marks with you and snap a photo of you and your friends accomplishing your goals! Send them to and we'll share and post your photos here on the website and Facebook!
REPEAT: Check back here on the website for tips and ideas for your meetings! For example, you can pick up inexpensive tin buckets at your nearest craft store in a wide variety of sizes. Grab a few and fill the largest one with ice and a bottle of wine, the next biggest with popcorn, down to the littlest with decadent truffles! Use your imagination! Anything to make your meetings more delicious and/or fun is a good idea. When it's time to clean-up, the person who is hosting the following meeting can take the buckets home and start thinking about what she'll fill them with!
Please send any suggestions, clever ideas or questions your group comes up with through the contact page.
I can't wait to hear from you!
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